It’s Flood Season: Here’s How to Protect Yourself and Your Home
Spring is here! Blue skies. Sunshine. Birds singing. Floods.
Wait…what? Floods?
Yes, it is spring, and in many parts of Canada and the United States, that means floods. Ice dams formed in the winter are thawing due to gradually rising seasonal temperatures, and every child can tell you next month’s flowers come courtesy of this month’s showers. Altogether, that adds up to an overabundance of water suddenly hitting our rivers, streams, and standing bodies of water. And with that comes the inevitable flooding.
MyKey is here to help you prepare and protect your home in advance of potential springtime flooding. And should you unfortunately sustain damage to your home due to flooding, we can provide some useful tips on what to do and how to properly file a claim.
As the leading provider of insurance housing solutions in North America, we work with insurance companies and adjusters to match policyholders with temporary housing that meets their unique needs and policy budget.