MyKey Presents: Advice on Handling Weather Related Insurance Claims

May 15, 2019

MyKey Global Accommodations is committed to providing professionally managed and vetted furnished accommodations so your can stay in comfort and with confidence. We believe that commitment extends beyond just where you lay your head each night, however. We’re here to help make every facet of traveling, relocating or otherwise engaging in the furnished accommodation experience easy, stress-free and enjoyable.

It’s inevitable. Extreme weather events are occurring more and more frequently. Up to 60% of locations across North America, Europe, East Asia and parts of South America would likely see a three fold increase in various extreme events. Fires, tornadoes and floods can have extreme impacts on your safety and piece of mind. Because of this, it’s important to be prepared.

MyKey Global Accommodation recommends that once a disaster strikes, if you home is damaged, file your claim right away. If you do this, you are more likely to settle your claim quickly. The sooner your claim is settled, the faster you can get your life back to normal.

Here are things MyKey wants you to know about weather related insurance claims:

FEMA only pays for temporary living expenses if a home is destroyed in a storm that is declared a disaster by the federal government and if grants are made available. Claims need to be made through the homeowner’s primary insurance company.

When Hurricane Sandy happened in 2012, for instance, FEMA determined that there was enough damage to make an “individual assistance” declaration and therefore provide grants to homeowners to help them with temporary living costs such as finding food and shelter.

The National Flood Insurance Program is administered by a group of insurance companies that were selected by FEMA to manage the program. By the time a storm approaches, it’s already too late to buy flood insurance. Talk to your insurer about adding this optional insurance to your policy if you are concerned about flooding due to natural disasters.

FEMA may step in with grants in the event of flooding due to natural causes. Those grants don’t pay for repairs or to make the home livable again, but will help with temporary food and shelter.

One storm can be categorized as multiple events requiring separate deductibles (especially if it is considered very severe). Before a storm strikes, we recommend you getting familiar with your coverage.

If the damage is not severe, it may be best to wait on filing a claim. Using a hail storm as an example, waiting may avoid the risk of having another hail storm pound a new roof and then have to start the process all over again.

It’s important to know that there is a 30-day waiting period for flood insurance to kick in. If you have just endured a storm, you should also know that flood insurance is something that you have to purchase separately from your regular home insurance policy.

Disaster relief can take a long time. When a storm hits, almost every homeowner affected files insurance claims immediately following the event. Insurance adjusters are inundated with claims, phone calls and questions.

Disaster Adjusters can change frequently. Because of this, it’s necessary to document everything. Companies may send in large teams of adjusters to deal with the high volume of claims.

If you need a separate policy to cover flooding, especially if you live in a flood-prone area, you may or may not be required to have hurricane coverage in certain areas of the country.

If a tornado takes out your porch, and then another tornado carries off some of the roofing the next day, you may have to pay a separate deductible for each strike.

Be Prepared
Severe weather is unpredictable and can strike at any time. Being prepared and knowing how your home insurance policy works in the event your property is damaged by a hurricane, tornado, hailstorm or similar disaster will help you navigate the claims process more quickly and with less friction.

Do you have a need to find immediate housing due to weather-related damage to your home or a home fire? MyKey is the leader in insurance housing, providing vetted options regardless of the length of your need. Whether you need a hotel, furnished apartment or custom housing solution, we can help you. Fill out an inquiry or book immediately at

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